Oli del Mas

El aceite

El aceite Virgen cuatro variedades es una mezcla de cuatro tipos de aceite y cada tipo de una clase de olivo diferente. Igualmente que el aceite Virgen Extra al mezclar estos tipos de aceite conseguimos una calidad y aroma excelente en un mismo aceite. Con un acidez de 1,2 grados y un sabor intenso , muy gustoso sin que pique ni rasque al ingerirlo.

El aceite Virgen Extra cuatro variedades es una mezcla de cuatro tipos de aceite y cada tipo de una clase de olivo diferente, esto hace que reuna todas las cualidades y sabor de cada aceite en uno solo. De esta combinación sale un aceite de 0,4 decimas, suave pero con sabor y aroma excelente.

El aceite arbequino es el único en el mundo que reúne mas cualidades en un solo aceite para una buena cata. Siendo muy suave, fino y dejando un sabor almendrado al paladar.

El aceite de la variedad Farga milenaria es un aceite agradable al paladar con un sabor dulce frutado y suave. Procedente de olivos con una edad comprendida entre los 1000 y 2000 años incluso mas.


Estos olivos milenarios solo se encuentran en el norte de la provincia de Castellon y sur de Tarragona.
Tambien se pueden encontrar en la provincia de Teruel. Por lo cual su producción es limitada.


The Virgin Oil Four Varieties is a mixture of four types of oil and each type comes from a different class of olive trees. Like the top quality Virgin Oil, when mixing these types of oil, we obtain an excellent quality and aroma in a single oil, with 1,2 degrees of acidity and an intense flavour, tasty and smooth for your throat when you consume it.

The Top Quality Virgin Oil Four Varieties is a mixture of four types of oil and each type from a different class of olive tree. As a result, we have all the quality and flavour of every single oil in one. From this combination, we obtain 0,4 tenths, smooth and with excellent flavour and aroma.

Alberquina variety Oil is the only oil in the world that possesses more qualities in a single oil for a good tasting. It is very smooth, and has a nutty flavour on the palate.

Millennial Farga Variety Oil is a smooth oil on the palate with a sweet, fruity flavour. It comes from olive trees which are from 1000 to 2000 years old, even more.

These millennial olive trees only grow in the north of the province of Castellón and the south of Tarragona. They can also be found in the province of Teruel. Consequently, their production is limited.


The Virgin Oil Four Varieties is a mixture of four types of oil and each type comes from a different class of olive trees. Like the top quality Virgin Oil, when mixing these types of oil, we obtain an excellent quality and aroma in a single oil, with 1,2 degrees of acidity and an intense flavour, tasty and smooth for your throat when you consume it.

The Top Quality Virgin Oil Four Varieties is a mixture of four types of oil and each type from a different class of olive tree. As a result, we have all the quality and flavour of every single oil in one. From this combination, we obtain 0,4 tenths, smooth and with excellent flavour and aroma.

Alberquina variety Oil is the only oil in the world that possesses more qualities in a single oil for a good tasting. It is very smooth, and has a nutty flavour on the palate.

Millennial Farga Variety Oil is a smooth oil on the palate with a sweet, fruity flavour. It comes from olive trees which are from 1000 to 2000 years old, even more.

These millennial olive trees only grow in the north of the province of Castellón and the south of Tarragona. They can also be found in the province of Teruel. Consequently, their production is limited.