Oli del Mas


El molino de Aceite Vicente Dellá e hijos s.l. y como marca de aceite "Oli del Mas", es una almazara olivarera de origen y tradicion familiar cuyos orígenes se remontan sobre el año 1725. Está situada en Traiguera, en la zona del bajo Maestrazgo donde predomina el cultivo del olivo. En esta zona de la Comunidad Valenciana se produce un excelente aceite de Oliva Virgen y Extra, esto se debe a la variedad de olivos autóctonos de la zona, al clima y al buen hacer de nuestra gente a la hora de la recolección y molturación en frio de las aceitunas, siendo el resultado la obtención de un sabroso jugo para el paladar.

El aceite de Oliva Virgen "Oli del Mas" es un producto natural 100% sin tratamientos ni refinados. Es un zumo de fruta obtenido de las mejores aceitunas frescas procedentes de nuedtros olivos en su punto obtimo de maduración, por lo cual conserva todas sus propiedades y vitaminas.

"Oli del Mas" es un aceite de Oliva Virgen semi dulce con un sabor almendrado y una textura espesa que no amarga ni rasca al ingerirlo.

A parte del aceite que hacemos, que es la mezcla de varios tipos de aceitunas, también tenemos la variedad arbequina y farga milenaria autóctona de nuestra zona.

El aceite de Oliva Virgen "Oli del Mas" es extraordinario para el consumo humano pues favorece la reducción del colesterol y previene de enfermedades cardiovasculares, asi como otras cancerígenas. Tambien es un excelente antioxidante natural.

El aceite de Oliva Virgen es sinónimo de salud, digestivo y nutritivo, por lo ,cual es un elemento fundamental en la dieta mediterranea.


The olive mill Vicente Dellá e Hijos, SL with its olive oil brand "Oli del Mas", is an oil-crusher with a familiar origin and tradition whose origins date from 1727. It is located in Traiguera, in the area of Baix Maestrat, where olive trees is the chief crop. In this area of the 'Comunidad Valenciana', an excellent virgin and top quality olive oil is produced, because of the variety of the autochthon olive trees in the place, the climate and the great work of our people in the olives harvest and crushing. As a result, it is obtained a delicious and tasty juice on the palate.

The Virgin Olive Oil "Oli del Mas" is 100 % fresh without treatments or refinements. It's a fruit juice obtained from the best fresh olives coming from our olive trees in its ideal moment of ripening; therefore, it preserves all its properties and vitamins.

"Oli del Mas" is a semi-sweet virgin olive oil with a nutty flavour and a thick texture, which is not bitter and is smooth for your throat when you consume it.

In addition to our Virgin Olive Oil, which is the mixture of several types of olives, we also have the Millennial Olive Oil 'Oli del Mas". The Millennial Olive Oil is made from alberquina and farga varieties, olive types autochthon of our area which grow in millennial olive trees.

The Virgin Olive Oil "Oli del Mas" is extraordinary for human consumption because it favours the reduction of cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular diseases as well as carcinogenic ones. It is also an excellent natural antioxidant. The Virgin Olive Oil is synonymous with health: it is digestive and nutritious, so it is a fundamental element in the Mediterranean diet.


The olive mill Vicente Dellá e Hijos, SL with its olive oil brand "Oli del Mas", is an oil-crusher with a familiar origin and tradition whose origins date from 1727. It is located in Traiguera, in the area of Baix Maestrat, where olive trees is the chief crop. In this area of the 'Comunidad Valenciana', an excellent virgin and top quality olive oil is produced, because of the variety of the autochthon olive trees in the place, the climate and the great work of our people in the olives harvest and crushing. As a result, it is obtained a delicious and tasty juice on the palate.

The Virgin Olive Oil "Oli del Mas" is 100 % fresh without treatments or refinements. It's a fruit juice obtained from the best fresh olives coming from our olive trees in its ideal moment of ripening; therefore, it preserves all its properties and vitamins.

"Oli del Mas" is a semi-sweet virgin olive oil with a nutty flavour and a thick texture, which is not bitter and is smooth for your throat when you consume it.

In addition to our Virgin Olive Oil, which is the mixture of several types of olives, we also have the Millennial Olive Oil 'Oli del Mas". The Millennial Olive Oil is made from alberquina and farga varieties, olive types autochthon of our area which grow in millennial olive trees.

The Virgin Olive Oil "Oli del Mas" is extraordinary for human consumption because it favours the reduction of cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular diseases as well as carcinogenic ones. It is also an excellent natural antioxidant. The Virgin Olive Oil is synonymous with health: it is digestive and nutritious, so it is a fundamental element in the Mediterranean diet.